please read my first post as a precursor to reading my future journal entries.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

get it all down.

It's a new day.

I am quite literally writing journal entries in my mind all day.

Who knew that ten years after high school we would all have cell phones, iPads, and devices where we could journal any time we like and send it out into the world. I never even imagined. I especially think this when I FaceTime on the iPad. Here I am doing what I always dreamed would be possible, having a face to face meeting with someone over a TV. I never thought that could be reality.

I kind of wished these last two weeks that I could think my journal entry and it would be sent into cyberspace. The way I write is conversational anyway, so wouldn't that be great? Just but a chip in my brain and tell it when to start recording and transmitting into the void?

Who's to say it won't happen? I couldn't have imagined this, so hey, I'll just expect that.

I have so much I need to record here. All the things that happened at the hospital, what I learned, observed.

I can't wait to get it all down.