please read my first post as a precursor to reading my future journal entries.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


It's not really fair.

It's not really fair that I'm receiving so much love.

I feel a little guilty.

Since I have shared the struggles I am going through, I have received and been overwhelmed with love and kind, sincere messages from people I admire and revere. I have felt so buoyed up and motivated to continue in my way back to health and live to help anyone else that I can.

But my hubby.

The truth is, this trial is just as hard for him as it is for me.

No it's not his brain that's been effected. It's not his health that isn't functioning mentally. But, I don't even need to explain it. How every many pounds of difficulty this trial is worth, it is worth an equal amount of pounds for him. It effects him just as much.

I guess this is a gift to realize. I guess, because I am realizing this, I can have more compassion and better support the spouses of those who have trials. Trials of any kind.

A gift. Another thing I hope I learn.

Another thing I hope I learn and keep and it stays part of my eternal being, forever.

Something I should probably start practicing now so that I can really hammer that lesson in.